To Listen
Native Voices Presents: The New Adventures of Super Indian Created and written by Arigon Starr (Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma) based on her popular graphic novels, the story unfolds over three audio episodes that tell the comic exploits of Super Indian and the residents of the fictional Leaning Oak Reservation.
Indians for Indians This groundbreaking radio show, created by Don Whistler, then principal chief of the Sac & Fox Tribe, has many episodes preserved in the Western History Collections at the University of Oklahoma Libraries. While Arigon Starr and her family had to listen to the archive on cassette, you can now listen to newly digitized archives online.
To Watch
Autry Artists Salon: The Power of Images, Super Indian, and Native Representation A special salon with DeLanna Studi, the Artistic Director of Native Voices at the Autry, and Arigon Starr, playwright and renowned comic book writer whose work includes Super Indian. Moderated by Liza Posas, Head of Research Services and Archives at the Autry, they discuss the creation of Super Indian and the importance of having a Native superhero and touch on the Native Voices archives.
Reservation Dogs (2021) This forthcoming comedy series on FX, created by Sterlin Harjo (Seminole/Muscogee) and Taika Waititi (Maori), takes place in Native Oklahoma.
Little Big Man (1970) This satirical Western, starring Dustin Hoffman and Chief Dan George (Tsleil-Waututh/Coast Salish), raised critical topics in Native American history with a sense of humor.
Blazing Saddles (1974) Perhaps the most famous Western parody, this classic includes Mel Brooks himself playing a stereotypical Hollywood Indian speaking Yiddish, among hundreds of other off-color jokes, ultimately with a message.
To Read
Super Indian Comics Vol 1 and Vol 2 Want to stay on the Leaning Oak Reservation beyond the radio episodes? Add these classic comic books to your shelf
Red Planet Books and Comics This Albuquerque shop is a landmark for Native American comics, genre literature, and other items, founded by Lee Francis IV, PhD (Laguna Pueblo). Visit them online for all your Indigenous comic book needs.
Indians in Unexpected Places (2004) Interested in the story of Moses Yellowhorse (Pawnee) striking out Babe Ruth in Oklahoma? This groundbreaking and readable history by Philip J. Deloria (Dakota descent) includes accounts of other successful Native athletes of the early twentieth century, including the author’s grandfather Vine Deloria Sr., as well as “unexpected Indians” directing Hollywood movies, singing opera, and driving Cadillacs.