Education Video
Students will learn about the Spanish quest for gold in the Americas. In the 1700s Spanish Conquistadors find gold in Inca and Aztec civilizations. Based on a rumor of seven cities of gold they then search for treasure throughout North and South America disrupting the lives of indigenous people along the way.
CA HSS-5.2
CA HSS-5.2.1
CA HSS-5.2.2
CA HSS-5.2.3
Teaching Tips for Different Learning Environments
Whole Class In-Person Learning: Map out areas with students where conquistadors came from and where they travelled, cities/lands, Indigenous peoples and others who had their lands taken over, and resources. Students could also play a game of "telephone" to see how misinformation can spread quickly.
Whole Class Distance Learning: Create a digital list of who (conquistadors, friars and Indigenous peoples), what (gold, land, other resources), where (lands travelled to and from), etc.
Tech Fun: Use Jam Board for students for sticky notes and digital lists (why was gold important, why did conquistadors want to find these cities, what happened, etc.)
Links to Associated Education Resources